■ Research
Maria Norberta de Pinho
Department of Chemical and Biological
Instituto Superior Técnico
Av. Rovisco Pais-1
1049-001 Lisboa
Phone: (+351)-21-8417488 Fax:
(+351)-21-8499242 E-mail: marianpinho@ist.utl.pt.
■ Permanent Research
- Maria Norberta de Pinho
- Ana Maria Alves
- Maria Diná Afonso
- Vítor Geraldes
- Luís
Miguel Minhalma
■ Pos-Doc
Mahendran Rajagopalan
■ PhD Students:
Ana Isabel Cavaco Morao
Teresa Zorro Nobre Macedo
Isabel Araújo Pinto
Vanessa Cunha
Vítor Manuel
The MSP research activity ranges from the synthesis of new polymeric
membranes to the modelling and application of membrane in separations, membrane
reactors and processes. The main reasearch objectives are:
- Optimization of mass transfer and flow structure in membrane medical
systems incorporating new hemocompatible membranes (blood oxygenators,
immunoisolation) and membrane modules.
- Correlation of spectroscopic (ATR-FTIR, XPS), microscopic (SEM, TEM, AFM)
and electrokinetic characterisation with membrane performance.
- Predictive modelling of Membrane Processes with recourse to Computational
Fluid Dynamics (CFD) incorporating quantitative parameters pertaining to
membrane characteristics, flow structures and mass transfer mechanisms.
- CFD modelling validation through experimental data of Micro Particle Image
Velocimetry (Micro PIV) and Holographic Interferometry (equipments acquired in
the project REEQ/1764/EQU/2005, 05/06).
- Development and optimization of Ultrafiltration/Nanofiltration and
Integrated Hybrid Processes for the production of drinking water free of health
- Fractionation/Purification of valuable products from processing
wastewaters of cork (tannins), pulp and paper (lignosulfonates) and cheese
(proteins, oligosaccharides) by Membrane Processes.
- Nanofiltration/Electrodialysis in wine industry: must concentration and
rectification, production of wines with low alcohol content.
The research activities of the MSP
group focus on three main areas:
1. Preparation, functionalization and characterization of polymeric
The bi-soft segment Polyurea/polyurethane (PU) membranes synthesized in our
laboratories by Zhao & Pinho (Polymer, 40(22) (1999), 6089-6097) revealed
important selective permeation characteristics and mechanico-optical properties
(Macromolecules, 33 (2000), 7675 - 7679; Molecular Crystals and Liquid
Crystals, 365 (2001), 447-457). New PU membranes would be developed during
2002-2004 to enhance their bio and hemocompatibility and the selective
separation of the gases involved in the respiratory process. This aims
applications in the medical field. As for the cellulose ester membranes special
emphasis would be given to the tailoring of surface structures and to the
understanding of protein/membrane interactions. Characterization would be
carried out for the surface morphology through Atomic Force Microscopy, for the
structure of pore water through ATR-FTIR and for the surface charge through
zeta-potential measurements (equipment requested to FCT). The PhD thesis of
Vitor Magueijo and Ana Rita Costa, initiated in July 2002, address this
subject. Dr. Diná Afonso would put strong focus on studies of membrane charge
2. Modeling of Flow and Mass Transfer at Membrane /Fluid
Modelling with the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) aims the
optimization of ultrafiltration (UF), nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO)
equipments. This objective is strategically planned in conjunction with
experimental techniques of flow visualization (Particle Imaging Velocimetry
(PIV)) and of solute concentration distribution measurements (Holographic
Inteferometry (HI)) (AIChE Journal, 1998, 44 (8), 1765-1776), for the
validation of the developed numerical models. The equipment of PIV and HI were
requested to FCT (proposal "Network of laboratories of functional
materials for reactions, membrane processes and fuel cells") in the continuation
of the joint action with IDMEC (IST).
3. Development of Membrane Hybrid Processes and Membrane
The integration of UF, NF, RO and pervaporation (PV) and electrodialysis (ED
in sequences of unit operations aims at the optimization of processes
a) Wastewater treatments with recovery of water and protein from cheese whey
(PAMAF project with "Escola Superior Agrária de Beja" and PhD Thesis
"Ultrafiltração e Nanofiltração de Soro de Queijo de Serpa" of
Antónia Macedo, initiated in September 2001) and from Fish Meal production
wastewaters (Colaboration Dr. Diná Afonso / Dr. Rodrigo Bórquez (Concéption U.
/Chile - till July 2002));
b) Marble processing wastewaters (Colaboration Drs. Diná Afonso and Ana
Maria Alves / Dr. Mousa Mohsen (Hashmite U. (Jordan)));
c) Downstream processing of fermentation broths for the optimization of the
isolation of several different antibiotics (Colaboration Dr. Ana Maria Alves
d) Production of drinking water
from surface water (PhD Thesis "Mecanismos de Colmatação Coloidal em
Ultrafiltração e Nanofiltração de Matéria Orgânica Natural de Águas de
Superfície" of Ana Rita Gonçalves da Costa );
e) Development of membrane
reactors for production of oligosacharides from hemicellulose wastes (PhD Thesis
"Processo Integrado de Membranas/Hidrólise Enzimática para
Produção/Separação de Xilo-Oligossacáridos" of Maria do Rosário
f) Clarification and Tartaric Stabilization of Wines.
■ Equipments

Chemical Analysis
- LC
- Gas Chromatography
Access to AFM, TEM, ATR-FTIR, etc...

Bench scale equipments
- Ultrafiltration
- Nanofiltration
- Reverse osmosis
- Pervaporation
- Electrodialysis
- Gas permeation

Pilot plants
- Ultrafiltration,
Nanofiltration, Reverse osmosis (1 m2 membrane area)
- Pervaporation
(2 m2 membrane area)
- Electrodialisis
(0.2 m2 membrane area)

Flow and mass transfer
Analysis in membrane moduldes
- Micro Particle Image Velocimetry
- Holographic Inteferometry
■ Patents
- "Processo Integrado para Concentração e
Rectificação Simultânea de Mosto de Uva por Nanofiltração e Electrodiálise",
PT103595, IST, Inventors: Maria Norberta de Pinho, Vítor Geraldes and
Isabel Catarino (inventors). (2007)
- "Processo de Fabrico de Membranas
Hemocompatíveis Assimétricas Integrais de Poliuretanas", PT103560,
IST, Inventor: Maria Norberta de Pinho (inventors). (2006)
- Patent - “Integrated nanofiltration process
to reduce the alcohol content of alcoholic beverages”, Quinta de
Pancas/IST, Maria Norberta de Pinho, Fernando Gonçalves (inventors),
International Patent PCT/PT04/000014 (2004)
- Portuguese Patent PT102976 “Processo
integrado de nanofiltração para redução do teor alcólico de bebidas”,
Quinta de Pancas/IST, De Pinho, M. N. , Fernando Gonçalves (inventors)
- Internacional PCT WO 2004/113489 A1
"Integrated nanofiltration process to reduce the alcohol content of
alcoholic beverages", Quinta de Pancas/IST, De Pinho, M. N. ,
Fernando Gonçalves (inventors)
■ Publications in International
- D.P. Queiroz, M.C.
Gonçalves, M.N. de Pinho, “Tailoring of phase segregation structures in
bi-soft segment urethane/urea polymer membranes”, Journal of Applied
Polymer Science 103 (2007) 315-320
- J.L.C. Santos, V. Geraldes,
S. Velizarov, J.G. Crespo, "Investigation of flow patterns, mass
transfer in membrane module channels filled with flow-aligned spacers
using computational fluid,dynamics (CFD)" J. of Membr. Sci., Volume
305, Issues 1-2, 15 November 2007, Pages 103-117
- M. Minhalma, V. Magueijo,
D.P. Queiroz, M. N. de Pinho, “Optimization of "Serpa" cheese
whey nanofiltration for effluent minimization, by-products recovery”,
Journal of Environmental Management 82 (2007) 200-206
- M.F. Ferreira Marques, P.M. Gordo, Zs. Kajcsos,
C. Lopes Gil, A.P. de Lima, D.P. Queiroz, M.N. de Pinho, “Positron Studies
of the Temperature-Dependence of Free-Volumes in Polydimethylsiloxane/poly(propylene
oxide) urethane/urea membranes”, Radiation Physics, Chemistry 76 (2007)
- V. Geraldes,, M.D. Afonso
"Prediction of the concentration polarization in the nanofiltration /
reverse osmosis of multi-ionic solutions" J. of Membr. Sci., 300
(2007) 20-27
- V. Geraldes, M.N. de Pinho,
C.M.S. Fonseca, E. Duarte, "Spiral-wound Module Nanofiltration of
Surface River Water" E-Water - Official Publication of the European
Water Association (EWA), December 2007
- Afonso, M.D., “Surface
charge on loose nanofiltration membranes“, Desalination, 191 262-272, 2006
- Cavaco Morão, A.I., Brites
Alves, A.M., Afonso, M.D., “Concentration of clavulanic acid broths:
Influence of the membrane surface charge density on NF operation”, Journal
of Membrane Science, 281 (1-2), 417-428, 2006
- Cavaco Morão, A.I., Brites
Alves, A.M., Costa, M.C., Cardoso, J.P., “Nanofiltration of a clarified
fermentation broth”, Chemical Engineering Science, 61 (8),2418-2427, 2006
- Cavaco Morão, A.I., Brites
Alves, A.M., Costa, M.C., Cardoso, J.P., “Optimization of operation mode
for the concentration by NF of clarified fermentation broths”,
Desalination, 200, (1-3), 472- 474, 2006
- Brites Alves, A.M., Silva,
N., “Recovery of water, sulfides from liming wastewaters”, Desalination,
(200), (1-3), 748-749, 2006
- Geraldes, V., Afonso, M.D.,
“Generalized mass-transfer correction factor for nanofiltration, reverse
osmosis", AIChE Journal, 52, (10), 3353-3362, 2006
- Geraldes, V., de Pinho,
M.N., “Mass transfer coefficient determination method for high-recovery
pressure-driven membrane modules”, Desalination, 195, 69-77, 2006
- Santos, J.L.C., Geraldes,
V., Velizarov, S., Crespo, J.G., “Modelling of flow, concentration
patterns in spiral wound membrane modules with ladder-type spacers”,
Desalination, 200, (1-3), 395-396, 2006
- Costa, A.R., de Pinho,
M.N., “Performance, cost estimation of nanofiltration for surface water
treatment in drinking water production”, Desalination, 196, 55-65, 2006
- Costa, A.R., de Pinho,
M.N., “Comparison of the performance of ultrafiltration, nanofiltration in
surface water treatment, Desalination 199, 1-3, 73-75, 2006
- Costa, A.R., Elimelech, M.,
“Mechanisms of colloidal fouling in ultrafiltration of colloidal NOM
solutions”, Journal of Membrane Science, 281, (1-2), 716-725, 2006
- Minhalma, M., Domínguez,
J.R., de Pinho, M.N., “Cork processing wastewaters treatment by an
ozonization/ultrafiltration integrated process”, Desalination,191,148-152,
- Minhalma, M., Beal, L.L.,
Catarino, I., Mateus, M., de Pinho, M.N., “Optimization of saccharide
fractionation using nanofiltration/ultrafiltration”, Desalination, 199,
337-339, 2006
- Magueijo, V., Semião, V.,
de Pinho, M.N., “Effect of membrane pore size, membrane-solute
interactions on lysozyme ultrafiltration”, Materials Science Forum: Adv
Materials Forum III, 514-516, 1483-1488, 2006
- Magueijo, V., Semião, V.,
de Pinho, M.N., “Cross diffusion effects in lysozyme/sodium chloride/water
ultrafiltration”, Desalination, 199, 445-447, 2006
- Magueijo, V., Semião, V.,
de Pinho, M.N., “Effects of ultrafiltration permeation rates on the
hydrodynamics of a minichannel/slit laminar flow”, Chemical Engineering
Science ,61, 7139-7150, 2006
- Magueijo, V., Semião, V.,
de Pinho, M.N., “Integrated modelling of lysozyme ultrafiltration”,
Journal of Membrane Science, 286, 133-143, 2006
- Pinto, I., Queiroz, D. P.,
Gil M. H., Guiomar, J. A., de Pinho, M. N., “Polyurethane - Polyurea
Membranes for Blood Oxygenation”, Materials Science Forum: Advanced
Materials Forum III, 514-516, 803, 2006
- Queiroz, D. P., Botelho do
Rego, A. M., de Pinho, M. N., “Bi-soft segment polyurethane membranes:
Surface studies by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy”, Journal of Membrane
Science, 281, 239-244, 2006
- Queiroz, D. P., Pinto, I.
M., Besteiro, M. C. F., Silva, A. F. M., Gil, M. H., Guiomar, A. J. M., de
Pinho N., “Surface, hemocompatibility studies of bi-soft segment
polyurethane membranes”, International Journal of Artificial Organs, 29,
591-595, 2006
- Sarbu, A., de Pinho, M.N.,
Freixo, M.D., Goncalves, F., Udrea, I., “New method for the covalent
immobilization of a xylanase by radical grafting of acrylamide on
cellulose acetate membranes”, Enzyme, Microbial Technology, 39, (1)
125-130, 2006
- Gonçalves, F., de Pinho, M.
N., “ Optimization of wine clarification by microfiltration /
ultrafiltration”, Chemical Technology, 16 – 18, 2006
- Narciso, Diogo, Fernandes,
Cristina, Dos Santos, Paulo Cameira, De Pinho, M. N., “New method for the
estimation of the potassium hydrogen tartrate saturation temperature of
port wines”, Am. J. Enol. Vitic., 56:3 255 – 265, 2005
- Costa, A. R., De Pinho, M.
N., “Coagulation/ flocculation/ ultrafiltration for natural organic matter
removal in drinking water production”, Water Science, Technology: Water
Supply, vol. 4 (5-6), 215-222, 2005
- Costa, A. R., de Pinho,
M.N., “Effect of membrane pore size, solution chemistry on ultrafiltration
for natural organic matter removal”, Journal of Membrane Science, 255
(1-2) 49-56, 2005
- Geraldes, Vitor, Pereira,
Nuno Escórcio, De Pinho, M. N., " Simulation, Optimization of
Medium-Sized Seawater Reverse Osmosis Processes with Spiral-Wound
Modules" Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 44(6), 1897-1905, 2005
- Queiroz, D. P., De Pinho,
M. N., “Structural characteristics, gas permeation properties of
Polydimethylsiloxane/poly(propylene oxide) urethane/urea bi-soft segment
membranes”, Polymer, 46, 2346-2353, 2005
- Magueijo, V., Minhalma, M.,
Queiroz, D., Geraldes, V., Macedo, A.,, De Pinho, M. N. "Reduction of
wastewaters, valorisation of by-products from “Serpa” cheese manufacture
using nanofiltration ", Water Science & Technology 52 (10-11),
393–399, 2005
- Magueijo, V., Semião. V., De Pinho, M.
N., “Fluid flow, mass transfer modeling in lysozyme
ultrafiltration”,International Journal of Heat, Mass Transfer, Vol.48,
1716-1726, 2005
- Gomes, A. C., Goncalves, I.
C., de Pinho, M. N., “The role of adsorption on nanofiltration of azo
dyes”, Journal of Membrane Science, 255 (1-2): 157-165, 2005
- Chen, Y., C. A. C.
Sequeira, Allen, Todd, Chen, Changpin, “ Electrocatalytic activities of
AB5 type hydrogen storage alloy as anode electrocatalyst of alkaline fuel
cell”, J. Alloy Compounds, 404-406, 661-664, 2005
- Madeira, L.M., Portela,
M.F., “Mechanistic Effects Resulting from the Cesium – Doping of a NiM0O4
Catalyst in n- Butane Oxidative Dehydrogenation”, Applied Catalysis A:
General, 281, 179-189, 2005
- Zavoianu, R., Dias,
A.P.V.S., Pavel, O.D., Angelescu, E., Portela, M.F., “1- Octene Metathesis
on Silica Supported Zn – Doped NiM0O4 Catalysts”, Catalysis
Communications, 6, 321-327, 2005
- Yuan, Jian-Chao, Silva,
L.C., Gomes, P.T., Valerga, P.,.Campos, J.M., Ribeiro, M.R., Chien, J. C.
W., Marques, M.M. , “Living, block polymerization of a-olefins using a
Ni(II)-a-diimine catalyst containing OSiPh2 tBu groups, Polymer 46,
2122-2132, 2005